Repentance is to be loyal to God and repent in earnest against the sin of sins have been committed either large or small sins and seek forgiveness from Allah. Every individual Isa sked to repent, to cleanse themselves from sin, large and small, whether done intentionally or not.

Law Berta ... drugs is mandatory whether of sin to God and fellow human beings sin. If sin is related deals with people, have to apologize from the people involved. If the sinsrelated to property, such property shall be returned to his master.
  Repent to Allah must be done in earnest and sincere heart for repentance there is no sincerity does not bringany effect of the individual concerned. Repentance is best to turn full of regret,repentance and a sense of humility to Allah In Islam, outlined ways of asking for forgiveness and mercy from Allah:Regret, realize and resolve will not repeat the sins he has committed, seeking forgiveness of Allah's forgiveness .. welfare .. Responsive swt. Beramal grace of Allahswt Pray and seek the well-being of the world and Hereafter